results 2019

As we watched others sum up the results of the year, we decided to count our results of 2019 as well (we mean yours and ours, as we wouldn’t do without your help).

What was the hardest part?
Moral challenges: seeing indifference or blatant negligence of some doctors and officials.
Also, it is very sad to see the situations when somebody’s children or family members kick them out of home.
We can never get used to this.

Technical challenges: restoring somebody’s ID, obtaining disability documents, fighting for someone’s right to pension. It is very expensive and time-consuming, but it is very important, since there is no way to live without the documents  We’ve helped more than 30 individuals restore their IDs.

What was the most joyful part?
Seeing your support: we mean both material and moral support. At first, we used to think that no one would care about these people apart from God and us. However, we know now there are people who care .

Seeing and feeling appreciation of the people we helped.
On New Year’s Eve, one of our ex-patients brought us a box of candies that she bought for the money she earned  It was very touching!

Thanks to everyone who was on our side in 2019. We wish you all the best in 2020!