Nikitenko Volodymyr Pavlovych, 88 years (born in 1930)

Originally from Leningrad region, Luzskyi district, Syniutin settlement

помощь бездомным Киев

After school, he served in army, in the navy. Then he entered navigation college, was trained as a navigator and served in the Northern Fleet throughout his life.

After Volodymyr Pavlovich had retired, he and his wife moved in Chernihiv, in his wife’s home country. She died three years ago and Volodymyr Pavlovich remained alone. He did not get in touch with the children (the last time he saw his son was in 2008).

Then he got cervical hip fracture, was in more than one hospital and the loss of housing in Chernihiv followed.
It is hard for him to move due to continuous pain in the leg.
A few days ago, he was brought to us from the station, where he came up to the volunteers who dispense food and asked for help.

We asked the staff from Право на захист to lead the process of getting Russia citizenship. It will take about 6 months. Right now we are looking for the finances to let him stay in the hospis these 6 months.

If you will desire to help financially in saving Vladimir Pavlovich, send us a message and we will provide the information to wire the funds to the House of Mercy Kiev account.

Photo by Александр Чекменев (Alexander Chekmenev)