"Unholy trinity"

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Today Alyona Mel’nik and I offered to each one of them change their life for better — to apply for the free rehabilitation.
At first all three were so enchanted by the beauty of Alyona that all have agreed to go anywhere in spite of the conditions ( we offered them Christian rehab).
Later one of our volunteers came to help these three men to get to the Rehab. At that moment two of them refused to go. One had to pay a big debt, another have birthday on Oct. 26th. (smiley)

The third one — we respect him — will go to the rehab tomorrow.

Our conclusion: talk to homeless and invite them to the porcess fo changing their lives — there are more chances that they will be more open to your attention than to a male volunteer.
Please pray for the man who decided to go to the rehab. He is the right one on the photo. His body is broken — both hands and the hip.