I am looking for my children!

допомога бездомним

Please repost! Help this person find children.

Gonchar Petro Nikolaevich, born in 1965

He worked as a driver all his life. Children are already adults, have lived and worked in Poland for the last years.

Last fall, he was on a business trip and did not have time to turn on the heating at home. The system was frozen and had to be heated immediately with a blowtorch.

But there was no gas, had to fill the lamp with gasoline from the balloon.
As a result, the lamp exploded, Peter almost tore his arm, the house burned down.

So he ended up on the street. Lost connection with children. Lost all documents.

Now Peter is at our shelter. We will restore his documents and issue a disability.

Peter is also very pleased to help him find children:

Gonchar Vitaliy Petrovich 1992
Gonchar Vita Petrovna 1988

tel. for communication: 063 116 40 99 (viber, telegram)